This is a question that's as old as humankind, but for now I'm talking about this generation - the Columbine, West Nickel Mines, Red Lake Minn., Santee, Ca., Jacksboro Tn., Essex Vt., Virginia Tech, (etc.) generation. There have always been malcontents, aberrations, miscreants, whatever label you choose to apply. But, what is it with this generation?
I heard my wife and her friend having a discussion recently, and one of them made an observation that floored me: This is the first generation raised on Ritalin from earliest childhood.
Think about that.
If you squirm in your seat in Kindergarten or first grade, you may be put on Ritalin to "calm you down." (The fact that you're a child, and full of life and energy, is apparently moot. The teachers shouldn't have to deal with childish behavior; they have a job to do. Go figure....)
If you have trouble staying focused on your studies, or if you're caught talking in class sometimes, you may be put on Ritalin for "behavioral problems."
If you appear to be having social problems in school, you may need Ritalin to help you cope.
If you have personal/private issues - perhaps your parents are separating, or you just moved to a new school - Ritalin is faster and easier than counselling.
Just take your pills and let the medication cope with whatever may (or may not) be troublesome in your life.
Then, when it is determined that you have outgrown the need for bliss-in-a-bottle (or you leave home and Daddy's health insurance won't pay for it any more) you are suddenly without your psy-crutch.
Meanwhile, during your formative years you've been deprived of the true impact of most of the learning experiences of childhood - good and bad - that should have prepared you mentally for the Real World. Now, when your lover moves on, or you get teased in class, or you suffer a career setback, it's devastating because - although you're an adult already - you haven't learned how to cope with life.
Obviously, those who you believe may have slighted you must be removed from your (developmentally retarded) world! We certainly can't allow you to be offended, after all!!!
(What if Albert Einstein had been put on Ritalin, since he was known to be a restless and sometimes disruptive student?
Surely Benjamin Franklin was a spirited youth.
I'd bet Samuel Clemens wasn't the most docile student in the room.....
Think what this generation may have lost from over-utilization of Ritalin. I know it may be a stretch, but what if - what if - even just one of those outbreaks were the result of a brilliant mind being stifled and packaged neatly for conformity's' sake!)
Added to this situation is the "Feel-Good," Humanist attitude that is so prevalent in our society; the attitude that places higher importance on one's ego and self-image, and denies the reality that we all occasionally lose out on things throughout our life. If there were no losers, there would be no winners. Our nanny-state society that refuses to let anyone lose, likewise can't allow anyone to win. I was raised to believe that "The only thing worse than a poor loser is a poor winner." But if there are neither winners nor losers, how does one learn to be a gracious/generous/caring individual?
One of the traits of humanism is, it goes counter to the teachings of popular religion - especially the Judeo-Christian beliefs that founded our nation. (Yes I am Christian, and I also greatly value the Jewish teachings that influenced Jesus; but that is not the point at this time.) Confucius is quoted as saying, "I have no use for a man with no religion; for without a source of power, what good is a cart?" He didn't appear to promote any particular religion, but he felt everyone should have some belief system to be a complete human. Our society - moving itself ever closer towards Humanism - is removing all religion, bit by bit, from its populace.
See what happens when people believe themselves to be the Pinnacle of existence? When we create people that have no Higher Authority to answer to, we create people that believe they can make the decisions of life and death. They are, after all their own God.
The all-too-commonly held attitude of entitlement is another symptom of this social decay. If you aren't willing to work for "it", I'm sorry, you don't deserve "it." If you are willing to work for "it", and you do deserve it, you still may not achieve "it". This is called "LIFE." Even when it seems to suck it's still worth living; learn to accept disappointment and move on. (Unless, of course, you're medicated so that you don't experience such emotions.) When you don't get everything you want when you want it, you can better learn to appreciate - and care about - what you do get.
So, what's wrong with this generation?
This is possibly the most self-indulged generation since Roman times.
This is likely the most pampered generation in our Nation's history.
This is certainly the first generation raised Humanist in our Nation's history.
This is the first generation of Ritalin-induced social retardation.
What's wrong with this generation?
- Not the TV or violent movies.
- Not the violence-based video-games.
- Not the failing educational system.
Obviously - sadly - the previous generation.
This generation only got what our generation allowed them to have. We are, after all, their parents - aren't we? Or, are we also teaching this generation how to deny personal responsibilities and consequences?
oh, yeah.
Chuck Brick.
(Many people have benefited from Ritalin, properly administered. I am aware of that. Ritalin certainly has its proper place and legitimate uses. However, it's wide-spread abuse and over-use has greatly overshadowed this fact. It is this blatant and unacceptable abuse that I'm railing at)