FDR - Franklin D. Roosevelt - would seem to have been the most popular president of all time, having served four full terms in the Oval Office. With his New Deal, he started our nation off into an exciting new direction: Socialism.
Any time a government takes from one person (taxes) to give to another (welfare; subsidies), that is Government imposed redistribution of wealth - the very premise upon which Socialism and Communism stand and operate. (To each according to their needs; from each according to their abilities to produce - ever heard of Lennin or Marx?)
The communist/socialist ideal is to achieve financial equality for all.
Just because you have the initiative and the imagination to create - for example - an Improved Digital/Electronic Mousetrap that earns you a million dollars a month in profits does not mean that you have any right to a better life than, say, a 27-year-old that delivers pizza part-time, plays World of WarQuest online70-hrs a week, and still lives with his mother. That would be socially shameful and unacceptable! After all, if you earn millions of $$ a year, don't you OWE IT to this man and his mother (who raised him to be what he is, by the way) to improve their lives?
Put another way, just because you're a different disposition with different priorities shouldn't give you special priviledges, should it? So, let's take some of your money to help improve their (chosen) situation. That would be the more socially responsible course, after all. Right?
I've heard, all my life I suppose, that the reason we "need" the illegals in our society is because they'll do the menial jobs that no-one else wants to do.
If we didn't have a welfare (Socialist) system that rewarded people for their lack of initiative, there would be no jobs that noone wanted to do. If you need work, work. It's there, - really it is! You just have to want it more than the alternative. Generally, people that can't find a job actually can't find a job they want. I know that there will be some out there who say this isn't true, that I'm being unreasonable, etc. Well, I've been un-employed many times - but only once for more than a couple of days at a time. I worked as a journeyman pipefitter at a shipyard that failed in the early 80's; I found a job as a construction laborer at just over minimum wage and took it until I could find something else. I worked as a security guard on construction sites, a laborer for a tile mason, and I don't even remember what-all "between job" jobs. Quite often my wife and I qualified for food stamps during these lean times, but we found that we didn't need them, and have never filed for any form of assistance. We just accept what we have and move along. Now, just because I work steadily (unsteadily at times!), WHY should I be taxed to pay for someone else that could have done the same "demeaning" jobs I often performed, except that they were too good for that kind of job?
Yes, I sure do wish I had invented that Digital/Electronic Mousetrap, and certainly I envy the guy that did, but HE OWES ME NOTHING!! I ENVY him; I DO NOT RESENT him. If I had thought of the D/E Mousetrap, after all, I would want my money for my family.
Illegal Aliens are (GASP!!) ILLEGAL! That makes them as criminal as muggers, jay-walkers, and burglars. "They came here to make a better life for themselves," you say? Well, yes - but illegally. That drug pusher down in the "hood," and the prostitutes that are working around the block from your business are trying to "make a better life for themselves," too - also illegally; but we tend to persecute and prosecute our citizens for crimes that are no worse than the crime of being an illegal.
(After all, an illegal immigrant is nothing less than a tresspasser - on an international level, yet.)
Go figure.
If someone's very presence is criminal and they know that, how can you believe they will have scruples and principles in any other aspect of their lives here? Why should they? They don't exist, so they can't be traced, taxed, or held responsible for their actions. If the authorities choose to ignore their illegal presence, how can they effectively enforce the laws - our laws - on them? And, of course, by their presence alone they have demonstrated a measure of disdain for our laws. Quite a notable introduction to our society.
Do we really "need" more of this, for any reason?
We already have our own criminals, thank you, without importing more.